It’s Invasive Weed Week in Oregon! Here in Yamhill County, we have a variety of invasive species. But what exactly is an invasive weed? Invasive weeds are any plants that come into an area and take over. Typically, these are non-native plants that have been introduced into an area either by accident or intentionally for human use. Not every non-native plant has the ability to become an invasive weed, though – only those that end up dominating the plant community in the area get that title!

Invasive weeds have a variety of ecological, economic, and aesthetic impacts. Because they often form dense stands of one species, they out-compete or crowd out native plant species. Most wildlife depends on native plants for their life cycles, so they sometimes can’t live in areas with extensive invasive weeds. Invasive weeds can also crowd out plants that we want to use, too; they can take over a garden, or crowd out forage plants for livestock. It’s estimated that only 25 species of invasive weeds are costing Oregonians $83.5 million each year! While the aesthetic aspect may not seem like the biggest deal, it can have an impact on recreational activities, too! It’s much more enjoyable to hike somewhere with a variety of native plant species rather than a huge stand of one single plant species. And aquatic invasive weeds can even get tangled up in boat motors, making days out on the river or lake far less enjoyable.

We have a handful of invasive weed species in Yamhill County to keep an eye out for. These include garlic mustard, mouse-ear hawkweed, Italian thistle, periwinkle, and Norway maple. This list is not exhaustive; there are more! So if we have all these invasive weeds, what are we doing about them? You can report invasive weeds to (503-437-5747), or see each page linked for specific removal recommendations. Each species has different control methods, they are not one size fits all!

So this week, do your part – spread the word, not the weeds!

Additional Resources:

Oregon Invasives Hotline
State of Oregon: Survey and Treatment Projects – Emerald Ash Borer
State of Oregon: Oregon Noxious Weeds – Oregon Noxious Weed Profiles
ODFW Oregon Invasive Species
OSU Solve Pest Problems
Pacific Northwest Pest Management Handbooks

Published On: May 24, 2024