Invasive Species: Greater and Lesser Periwinkle

Vinca major / Vinca minor

Periwinkles are widely planted as an ornamental for their ground-covering ability.

Why is it important to control?

Periwinkles expand to form extensive mats of vegetation excluding native species and reducing biodiversity.

How can you identify it?

Closeup image of Vinca minor blue-purple, five petaled flower over its green foliageCloseup image of Vinca major purple-blue five-petaled flower amongst its green foliage
Habitat: Shaded or partly shaded areas with moist soil
Life Cycle: Perennial
Height: 15-35in
Leaf Description: Glossy, dark green leaves that are lance shaped
Fruit & Flower Description: Solitary, five-petaled blue-purple flowers.
Bloom Time: March through October

How do you control it?

  • Prevention is the best tactic. If you have some in gardens, contain it there and dispose of trimmings in garbage.

  • Hand-pulling can be effective. Try to pull all roots out. It will take repeated efforts.

  • The Oregon Department of Agriculture doesn’t have these on their noxious weed list.

How to report it?

There are various ways you can report this noxious weed.