Pollinator Week is coming up, June 17th-23rd, and we are hosting an event! The district will be hosting a pollinator BioBlitz event at Miller Woods on Saturday, June 22nd, from 2-4 pm. This is a free, family-friendly event, and all are welcome! Bee experts, butterfly aficionados, beginning pollinator admirers, and even those who are afraid of bees should join us for this event. This will be a casual event – feel free to come and go as you please if you don’t want to stay for the whole two hours! 

A BioBlitz is an event where citizens can participate in citizen science – contributing to our scientific understanding of biological diversity by collecting and sharing observations of plants or animals in a local area. For this event, we will be focusing on pollinators. Mostly, this refers to bees and butterflies, but can also include things like flies, beetles, hummingbirds, and in tropical regions, even bats! We anticipate seeing mostly insect pollinators at Miller Woods.

We will be using iNaturalist and Bumble Bee Watch to log and identify our observations. Please bring a charged cell phone with one or both of these apps downloaded so we can share our observations with scientists! You may also want to bring water, sunscreen, a hat, and anything else you would regularly bring for a hike. If you happen to own a butterfly net or insect cage, bring it! We may have a couple available for use, but more are always welcome. We will be outside in the elements, attempting to photograph any pollinator we see. This could include stinging insects like bees, so please exercise caution with these insects.

We hope to see you there!

June 22nd, 2024, from 2-4 pm

Miller Woods Conservation Area
15580 NW Orchard View Rd,
McMinnville, OR 97128

Published On: June 4, 2024