Invasive Species: Parrotfeather

Myriophyllum aquaticum

Native to South America and the Amazon basin, parrotfeather has been reported in the northwest since the 1940s.

Why is it important to control?

Parrot feather creates dense mats of vegetation blocking sunlight and oxygen exchange. Heavy infestations will reduce native plant diversity and impact recreation and agricultural use.

How can you identify it?

Growing above the water surfaceCloseup
Habitat: Slow moving or still waters
Life Cycle: Perennial
Height: Stems can grow to 15ft
Leaf Description: Bright green feather-like leaves arranged in whorls. Resemble small fir trees.
Fruit & Flower Description: Tiny white flowers. Can reproduce by seeds or stem fragments.
Bloom Time: May to July

How do you control it?

  • Wait until water level has dropped and remove by hand or rake.

  • Can be controlled by herbicide from a licensed applicator.

  • The Oregon Department of Agriculture has no approved biocontrols.

How to report it?

There are various ways you can report this noxious weed.

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