Invasive Species: Herb Robert

Geranium robertianum

Herb Robert is a native of Eurasia and North Africa.

It has been rapidly spreading in the Pacific Northwest since the 1980s.

Why is it important to control?

Herb Robert is an annual. Annuals live only one season and as such are highly adapted to produce a great many seeds. It can grow as dense as 250 plants per square meter, smothering out any native plants reducing diversity. This result increases landscape maintenance costs.

How can you identify it?

Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum)Herb Robert (Geranium_robertianum)
Habitat: Shaded, moist woodlands
Life Cycle: Winter and Spring Annual
Height: 1ft
Leaf Description: Light green, deeply dissected leaves. Foliage turns red in fall. Leaves release a strong odor when crushed.
Fruit & Flower Description: Five white or pink petals; seeds may be ejected up to 20ft
Bloom Time: Spring through Fall

How do you control it?

  • Hand pull before they flower.

  • Mowing before flowering is also effective.

  • It will take repeated effort over several years to eradicate.

  • The Oregon Department of Agriculture has no approved biocontrols.

How to report it?

There are various ways you can report this noxious weed.

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