Invasive Species: Evergreen Bugloss

Pentaglottis sempervirens

Native to SW Europe, evergreen has small populations throughout western Oregon.

Why is it important to control?

While not on official noxious weed lists, its weedy nature will cause it to crowd out native plants.

How can you identify it?

Close up image of the hairy stem of evergreen buglossClose up image of evergreen bugloss flowers
Habitat: Damp shady areas; roadsides, ditches
Life Cycle: Perennial
Height: Up to 3 feet
Leaf Description: Basal leaves on long petioles. Hairy.
Fruit & Flower Description: Five-petaled blue flowers in terminal and axillary clusters.
Bloom Time: April to July

How do you control it?

  • When digging out, make sure to get all the root. Monitor for re-emergence.

  • Dispose of plant material in a tied plastic bag and put in trash.

  • Not on Oregon Department of Agriculture’s list of noxious weeds.

How to report it?

There are various ways you can report this noxious weed.