Pollinator BioBlitz for Pollinator Week

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This event will take place at on June 22nd, 2024 from 2-4 pm Miller Woods. We will start from the kiosk station. This will be a casual event where we try to find and identify pollinators for Pollinator Week! Feel free to come and go as suits your schedule. We would love to contribute to citizen science projects by posting observations to iNaturalist and Bumble Bee Watch during the event. We will discuss what pollinators are, some tips for how to photograph them, and where you might be likely to see them at Miller Woods. We will also discuss how to use iNaturalist and Bumble Bee Watch, and the value of citizen science!

Keep in mind that this event will be held outdoors. Bring anything you would normally bring for a hike — water, sunscreen, etc. Please also bring a charged cell phone, ideally with iNaturalist already downloaded (we will use a web browser to upload photos to Bumble Bee Watch). Pollinator activity is weather-dependent, so while we hope for a warm, sunny day to see insect activity, be aware that cold, rainy, or cloudy weather is likely to result in fewer observations.

Please join us to learn about pollinators and contribute to citizen science during Pollinator Week!

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