District Board Meeting

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See Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Location and Access

The meeting will be held in-person at the Heritage Center OR via Zoom.

Remote Participation

The district is providing an option for people to listen and participate by conference call. This option complies with Oregon Public Meeting and Records Law requirements, by allowing the public to hear the discussion and deliberation of district business.

Join Phone Conference Call

  1. Call: 1-646-568-7788

Then Meeting ID followed by #:

  1. Enter: 964 7583 2966 #
  2. Enter: # (When asked for participant ID)

Join Zoom Video Conferencing


Meeting Facilitation

The board chair will be facilitating the meeting. The chair will instruct those talking on the phone to identify themselves and follow the district’s normal meeting rules and procedures.

For board members or others involved in agenda items, please present information or motions clearly so district staff can accurately record the appropriate information for the minutes.

Scope of Agenda
The board will limit the agenda to essential business items that are needed for operations and to fulfill requirements. The agenda will be focused primarily on topics that need board action. Updates and discussion on projects or district activities that do not require board action will be postponed to a future meeting.

Conservation Partners Reports/Updates
The district typically provides an opportunity for conservation partner updates. To save time and limit the need for verbal updates, the district suggests conservation partners submit written reports to the district. If conservation partners need time for a short verbal update, the chair requests brevity. Written reports may be emailed to [email protected]

Public Comment
As with all board meetings, there will be opportunity for public comment. Public comment is typically limited to five minutes, unless the chair provides an extension of time. As a reminder, public comment may be submitted in writing. This option allows members of the public to provide comments to the extent desired, without a five-minute limitation.

Thank you for considering the use of the conference call for the upcoming District Board Meeting to help the district ensure public safety. If you have questions about the meeting and use of the conference call option, please contact Allison at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting at 503-472-6403.

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