Miller Wood’s Discovery Loop Trail

Sponsored by Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund

Educational opportunity was one of Frieda Miller’s goals when she donated her property to the Yamhill Soil & Water Conservation District in 2004. Since then, hundreds of young visitors participate annually in local school and outdoor education programs at Miller Woods.

The summer of 2019, Miller Woods introduced six educational interpretive signs to compliment the newly created Discovery Loop Trail. The trail is a  short, one-third mile loop and made to increase the educational and recreational opportunities at Miller Woods. Visitors will gain insight to the diverse  habitat of Yamhill County. Thank you to the Siletz Triable Charitable Contribution Fund, whose grant helped make this wonderful enhancement possible.

The interpretive signs around the loop introduce various plant and animal communities that are part of Miller Woods. Each includes suggested age-appropriate educational activities for visitors. Activity sheets and internet links related to each of the signs are available using the buttons below.

Note: The Discovery Trail  is marked in green on the map above (click the map for a larger copy). Notice that it connects in several places to other trails on the property.

Discovery Loop Trail Activities

Each of the interpretive signs along the Discovery Trail features a Quick Response, or QR code. Scan the code with your phone or tablet to connect back to this page.

Click on the buttons above to view links to activities and related resources.